23 years. It is a long time for a company to live good times and bad times. Inevitably gets into contact with every significant companies and organizations; colouring economy in Hungary and internationally.

Continuous development and learning give only frame and set direction to profuse experience to make experiential learning vivid and efficient.

Csaba Viola

I deal with soft skill development since 1998. 

area of interest: Érdeklődési területem: Humán etológia, tapasztalati tanulás, kreatív problémamegoldás, a tanulás hatékonyságát befolyásoló tényezők, a személyes kapcsolatok hatása a csoportos teljesítményre.

Sportolok, outdoor-tréneri tevékenységemen túl is szorosan kötődök a természethez.

„Nagyon fontosnak tartom, hogy mindinkább tisztában legyünk lényünk ösztönös, ősi mélységével, amely nem rossz vagy jó, de megmagyarázhatatlan erővel taszít bennünket valamerre.” 

Indoor/outdoor training

Indoor training

The chief aim of our programs is the development of indispensable leadership and business skills for new requirements.
Role-plays, situational games, individual-, small-and big group-work, short theoretical or summarizing presentations, didactic films, individual and team feedback, videoed debriefing.

Outdoor training

The base of our approach is the belief that Nature provides unique learning space. It helps to leave behind the everyday routine, the out of the ordinary situations demand the active exploitation of our mental and physical potentials on individual and group level. Interdependence “naturally” builds team bounds in these exercises.


Nature induces natural behaviour. Challenges are real, vivid, and there is always a stake in them. These make outdoor team building especially effective. Of course there are teams with features not fitting in outdoor frames. There’s no point in forcing them. We can deliver memorable and effective indoor trainings, as well.

Team adventure

These programs put the emphasis on common experience in team building. The preparation, understanding the situation and the needs of the team – the professional standard is just as important as in the case of OD or training programs.
We see team adventure programs as new colors for collectives who intend to strengthen team spirit in a natural way.

Organizational development

We help companies to create strategy, develop the organization and succeed in cultural change. Our activity includes development-enhancement of fundamentally well-operating companies as well as overall changes -requiring completely new attitude.

people sitting beside brown wooden desk near flat screen tv


Effectiveness! This is the central element of our approach. Supported by Solution Focused BRIEF method. 

woman pointing at whiteboard



Budapest, Reitter Ferenc st. 157, 1131



