Most people exactly knows how to present – in theory. In real situations her/his voice closes, the momentum breaks. How can you confidently, successfully present? This is the focus of our training.
Planned training duration: 2 days
Method of education: Training
Maximal size of groups: 12 persons
Competencies to obtain:
Confident, effective presentation
Goals of training:
- identifying, categorizing presentation situations
- Building best presentation strategy
- Practicing and solving difficult presentation situations
- Usage of proper presenting techniques – practice
- Eliminating unproductive communication
- Fending off pitfalls – self confidence
Applied methods:
Trainer’s input: short theoretical introduction to topics and to closing blocks to boost experience collection.
Training exercises, situation practices: exercises with relevance to the topic simulating sales situations. Participants always receive feedback from pears and trainer.
Models: we apply presentation theories, models to draw clear guideline to topic.
Videos, educational films: Relevant films are excellent means of deepening knowledge or inducing debate on some topics.
Small group work: processing some topics we work in more involving small groups. Giving everybody opportunity to contribute in learning.
Plenary discussions: with the participation of the whole group it is a good forum for processing some topic or phenomenon such as closing the day, evaluating sales performance.